(照片由總會教社委員會提供) Our respected and beloved Rev. Dr. C. M. Kao passed away this afternoon at 17:25, Feb 14, 2019. He was PCT General Secretary from 1970-1989 when the most famous three Statements and the Confession of Faith of the PCT were published. He led the PCT through White Terror and Martial Law to the dawn of democracy and freedom in Taiwan. We will remember the example he set by practicing himself what was written into the PCT Confession of Faith that the Church shall “through love and suffering becoming the sign of hope”. 我們敬愛的高俊明牧師今天(2/14)下午5:25蒙主恩召。他是台灣基督長老教會1970-1989年的總幹事,他在任期間,也是台灣基督長老教會發表最關鍵的三個聲明以及信仰告白的期間。他帶領台灣基督長老教會走過白色恐怖和戒嚴時期,迎向民主和自由的曙光。我們會記得他所設下的榜樣,親身實踐被寫入台灣基督長老教會信仰告白的這句話:「教會通過愛和受苦,成為盼望的記號」。 |